As of July 1st 2023, the sale and use of single use plastic produce bags is not permitted. This includes compostable, recyclable and biodegradable plastic produce bags.
More specifically the ban is for the use of open plastic produce bags supplied by the supermarket or green grocer for the self packing of your own fruit and veges. The ban excludes produce bags that are used in the pre-packaging of goods before sale. Pre-packaged means fruit or vegetables that are bagged (sealed or not sealed) before being put on sale.
The below pre-packaged examples below are exempt from the ban;

Shardlows Packaging can still supply plastic produce bags to growers who pre-package their produce for sale but we also supply the following alternatives;
- Paper Produce Bags – a lightweight 50gsm block bottom paper bag 180x130x330mm. Perfect for customers to pack their fruit and vegetables.
- Light Duty Block Bottom Paper SOS bags – various sizes available in a light duty block bottom paper bag.
- Heavy Duty Block Bottom Paper bags – various sizes available. Ideal for packing heavier items like potatoes, kumara etc.
- Organic Cotton String Reusable Bags – A reusable organic cotton string bag.