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Brown Paper Carry Bags

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Simple but effective, the brown paper bag is the hottest selling item at the moment. With the ban of plastic bags, everyone is asking for Paper Bags.  The best thing about our paper bags is that they are made from a sustainable forest and are recyclable and compostable. 

Brown paper bags come in all shapes and sizes and can be custom printed with your company logo.

Whether you want bags for your retail shop or for an event, these bags can be screen printed in small quantities or for a more cost effective option, we can get the custom printed in larger volumes to keep these costs down.  Basically, we cater to all specific requirements.

We stock a range of plain brown kraft (and white or coloured) paper carry bags and most we sell in small packs of 50’s. You can get a variety of sizes to suit all your products.

If you want a quote on custom printed bags, please email through your artwork and specify if you want a short run print ( 500 bags) or a large print run (3000 bags).  Please note that short run print has a maximum of 2 colour print.  There are set up charges in addition to the per bag print cost.

Switch over to paper bags now, if you haven’t already.  They are a much better option for the environment as they won’t be lying around in decades to come and they won’t endanger sea life.