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Soft Plastics Recycling Scheme

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    • Shardlows is now a SPONSOR of the Soft Plastics Recycling Scheme

    • The Love NZ Soft Plastics Scheme is about recycling soft plastic bags and wrappers because we’ve found new uses for them. Collect all the soft plastics which you use at home, make sure the bags are empty, clean and dry, and drop them into the Love NZ Soft Plastics Recycling bins at these participating stores.
    • We are hoping to get a Soft Plastics Bin here in our showroom.
    • Soft plastic packaging is not collected for recycling by councils because it can contaminate the recycling process. New Zealanders use over 1.6 billion plastic bags in the home every year. The project is supported by major brands and if one of your favourite brands isn’t on board, let them know. We can only provide this recycling service because brands help pay for the collection, processing and recycling costs.There actually isn’t any value in soft plastics – its not like other recyclables like glass and aluminium – so we have to pay to have it recycled. That’s why we need to have manufacturers and big brands contributing to the costs of recycling this soft plastic.The project takes all soft plastic bags including bread bags, frozen food bags, confectionery and biscuit wrap, chip bags, pasta and rice bags, courier envelopes, shopping bags, toilet paper and other sanitary hygiene wrappers- basically anything made of plastic which can be scrunched into a ball.

      Bring your used soft plastics back to store and put them in the recycling bin. The Packaging Forum organises the collection services for every participating store.

      Soft plastic packaging is not collected for recycling by councils because it can contaminate the recycling process. New Zealanders use over 1.6 billion plastic bags in the home every year. The project is supported by major brands and if one of your favourite brands isn’t on board, let them know. We can only provide this recycling service because brands help pay for the collection, processing and recycling costs.

      There actually isn’t any value in soft plastics – its not like other recyclables like glass and aluminium – so we have to pay to have it recycled. That’s why we need to have manufacturers and big brands contributing to the costs of recycling this soft plastic.

      The project takes all soft plastic bags including bread bags, frozen food bags, confectionery and biscuit wrap, chip bags, pasta and rice bags, courier envelopes, shopping bags, toilet paper and other sanitary hygiene wrappers- basically anything made of plastic which can be scrunched into a ball.

      Bring your used soft plastics back to store and put them in the recycling bin. The Packaging Forum organises the collection services for every participating store.


      One of our recycling partners is Replas Australia who turn our soft plastic waste into park benches and fitness circuits for playgrounds.

      Buying Furniture made from Recycled Plastic Bags!You can buy products made from recycled soft plastic now.  Check out our Products Page and watch a video of Replas explaining the soft plastic recycling process below!

      To Keep up with what Soft Plastics Recycling are doing, follow them on Facebook